The Voice of X

The Voice of X is back!

I started this podcast with the desire of making an honest attempt to provide an informed opinion on cultural trends, events, and politics from the point of view of the forgotten generation…. Generation X. In light of all that has happened since March of 2020, the podcast has taken a more political bent. As a Christian, a father, and an American, the changes that have taken place concern me greatly. Please join me as I share my opinion, and even rant a little about today’s hot button topics. Prepare to have your sensibilities challenged and maybe even *GASP* offended. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

~George Washington~


Why are families fleeing California?

Summary Last year, for the first time ever California recorded a loss of 182,000 residents. But why? Well, I just returned from Texas, the place where many California’s are running to. In this episode I would like to go over some the issues that are driving out businesses, as well as middle-class families by the…

What do we know about Omicron?

Summary In this episode I want to look at what we actually know about the current Omicron variant. Just how dangerous is it, what can we expect going forward, and just why the media keeps pedaling their fear porn. What can you, the average citizen do about it? Pull up a seat at the table…

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Summary We’ve all heard this saying, and it is no more true than when it comes to Liberty. Liberty comes with great responsibility and self discipline, and preserving the Blessings of Liberty for future generations is at the heart of conservatism. Join me as we do a deep dive into the truth of Liberty and…

The Host

Kevin Johnson

I am a devout Christian, devoted Father, and patriotic American. I am a California native, who has struggled as many of my generation have, to keep my head above the water in a state that is sinking into the abyss of socialist progressivism. By the grace of God I have been able to raise Christ-loving children, and cannot stand by as the disease of anti-Christian communism sweeps across our nation.

Coming Soon!

Cotton Tees

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